For SIC to be established with management Server, endure CPD process on the Security Gateway is has started with E and not terminated T
[Expert@my-FW:0]# cpwd_admin list
FWK_FORKER 103721 E 1 [16:48:07] 27/4/2023 N fwk_forker
FWK_WD 103730 E 1 [16:48:07] 27/4/2023 N fwk_wd -i 43 -i6 0
CPD 104483 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 Y cpd
DASERVICE 126938 E 1 [16:55:53] 27/4/2023 N DAService_script
AUTOUPDATER 121008 E 1 [16:49:18] 27/4/2023 N
CPVIEWD 104461 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N cpviewd
LPD 75565 E 1 [16:46:35] 27/4/2023 N lpd
CPVIEWS 104466 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N cpview_services
SXL_STATD 104469 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N sxl_statd
MPDAEMON 104496 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N mpdaemon /opt/CPshrd-R81.10/log/mpdaemon.elg /opt/CPshrd-R81.10/conf/mpdaemon.conf
TP_CONF_SERVICE 104523 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N tp_conf_service --conf=tp_conf.json --log=error
CXLD 104743 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N cxld -d
CI_CLEANUP 104750 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N avi_del_tmp_files
CIHS 104757 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N ci_http_server -j -f /opt/CPsuite-R81.10/fw1/conf/cihs.conf
FWD 104780 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N fwd
SPIKE_DETECTIVE 104787 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N spike_detective
DSDEAMON 117031 E 1 [16:49:13] 27/4/2023 Y dsd
FWK_FORKER 103721 E 1 [16:48:07] 27/4/2023 N fwk_forker
FWK_WD 103730 E 1 [16:48:07] 27/4/2023 N fwk_wd -i 43 -i6 0
CPD 104483 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 Y cpd
DASERVICE 126938 E 1 [16:55:53] 27/4/2023 N DAService_script
AUTOUPDATER 121008 E 1 [16:49:18] 27/4/2023 N
CPVIEWD 104461 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N cpviewd
LPD 75565 E 1 [16:46:35] 27/4/2023 N lpd
CPVIEWS 104466 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N cpview_services
SXL_STATD 104469 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N sxl_statd
MPDAEMON 104496 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N mpdaemon /opt/CPshrd-R81.10/log/mpdaemon.elg /opt/CPshrd-R81.10/conf/mpdaemon.conf
TP_CONF_SERVICE 104523 E 1 [16:48:23] 27/4/2023 N tp_conf_service --conf=tp_conf.json --log=error
CXLD 104743 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N cxld -d
CI_CLEANUP 104750 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N avi_del_tmp_files
CIHS 104757 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N ci_http_server -j -f /opt/CPsuite-R81.10/fw1/conf/cihs.conf
FWD 104780 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N fwd
SPIKE_DETECTIVE 104787 E 1 [16:48:24] 27/4/2023 N spike_detective
DSDEAMON 117031 E 1 [16:49:13] 27/4/2023 Y dsd
To disable https2 or enable https2
1. Disable HTTP2 Header Length on my-vpn-fwa.mycompany.COM and my-vpn-fwb.mycompany.COM
To disable http2:
ckp_regedit -a SOFTWARE\\CheckPoint\\FW1 IGNORE_ALPN_EXTENSION 1
To enable http2 again:
ckp_regedit -a SOFTWARE\\CheckPoint\\FW1 IGNORE_ALPN_EXTENSION 0
VPN TRAC_Client_1 Files
RSA integration with Checkpoint
Files are located in /var/ace directory
Must do a cpstop before change files and cpstart after
Initially you need just 2 files sdconf.rec and sdopts.rec file
sdopts.rec (clientIP) ,
securID (node secret),
sdstatus.12 (traffic info between FW and Auth Manager)
Migrate Export of Checkpoint Management Server
[Expert@CP-MGMT01]# cd $FWDIR/bin/upgrade_tools
[Expert@CP-MGMT01]# pwd
[Expert@CP-MGMT01]# cd $HOME
[Expert@CPMGMT01]# yes
| nohup ./migrate export /home/admin/CPMGMT01-090622.tgz
nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out'
- cpinfo -y all
- enabled_blades
- fw stat
- cpinfo from gateway and cpinfo /
migrate export from management server