Thursday, June 2, 2022


Checkpoint Serial Number, Mac Address

There are several ways to get Checkpoint serial number, mac address and model in order to either open a case with support or to get the information for archive purpose.

First thing is the serial number. In order to get the serial number of the Checkpoint device, one can go to the expert mode of checkpoint (login to ssh -> type ‘expert’) and type following command:

  • dmiparse | grep ‘Product Name’ -> to get the model of the checkpoint device
  • dmiparse | grep ‘Serial Number’ -> to get the serial number
  • ifconfig -a | grep ‘HWaddr’ -> to get the mac address (usually Mgmt port is used)
  • cplic print is also useful to get the list of the device mac address

Security Gateway

CLISH CommandEquivalent "Expert" Command
show security-gateway policyfw stat
show security-gateway policy summaryfw stat -s 
show security-gateway policy details fw stat -l
show security-gateway version fw ver
show security-gateway memory statistics fw ctl pstat
show security-gateway arp-table fw ctl arp -n
show security-gateway arp-table resolvedfw ctl arp 
show security-gateway affinityfw ctl affinity -l -v -a 
show security-gateway affinity cpu-ordered fw ctl affinity -l -r -v -a
show security-gateway affinity statisticsfw ctl multik stat 
show security-gateway monitored-interfacesfw getifs 
show security-gateway monitored-interfaces allfw ctl iflist 
show security-gateway parameter integer VALUE fw ctl get int VALUE
show security-gateway parameter string VALUE fw ctl get str VALUE
show security-gateway log-filesfw lslogs 
show security-gateway tablesfw tab -s 
show security-gateway tables search VALUEfw tab -s | grep -i VALUE 
show security-gateway table VALUE fw tab -t VALUE
show security-gateway table VALUE summaryfw tab -t VALUE -s 
show security-gateway table VALUE formatted fw tab -t VALUE -f
show security-gateway ips status ips stat



CLISH CommandEquivalent "Expert" Command
show securexl statusfwaccel stat
show securexl statisticsfwaccel stats
show securexl connectionsfwaccel conns 
show securexl versionfwaccel ver
*show multi-queue affinitycpmq get -a
*show multi-queue driver-type VALUE cpmq get rx_num VALUE

Note: These commands are supported for kernel 2.6.18 Gateways only (R80.10, R80.20 and R80.30 2.6.18 Gateways).


CLISH CommandEquivalent "Expert" Command
show system services run-levelchkconfig --list
show system service VALUE run-levelchkconfig --list VALUE
show system init-servicesservice --status-all
show system init-service VALUEservice VALUE status
show system disk usagedf -h
show system disk hw-raid statusraidconfig status
 show system disk sw-raid statusraid_diagnostic 
show system dmi-tabledmidecode | more
 show system dmi-table search VALUEdmidecode | grep -i VALUE | more 
show installer cpinfo cpinfo -y all 
show file VALUE more VALUE 
 show file VALUE search VALUE cat VALUE | grep -i VALUE | more
 show users-access-loglast -a 



CLISH CommandEquivalent "Expert" Command
show syslog logscat /var/log/messages | more
show syslog logs search VALUEcat /var/log/messages | grep -i VALUE | more
show syslog logs monitortail -f /var/log/messages
show syslog dmesgdmesg | more
show syslog dmesg search VALUEdmesg | grep -i VALUE | more



CLISH CommandEquivalent "Expert" Command
show interface VALUE featuresethtool -k VALUE
show interface VALUE driver-informationethtool -i VALUE
 show interface VALUE coalesceethtool -c VALUE
show interface VALUE pause-parameterethtool -a VALUE
show interface VALUE statsethtool -S VALUE



CLISH CommandEquivalent "Expert" Command
show license statuscplic print -x
show license feature VALUEcplic check VALUE