Saturday, July 18, 2020

R80.30 ClusterXL

[Expert@myfirewall-fwa:0]# clusterXL_admin down

This command does not survive reboot. To make the change permanent, run either the 'set cluster member admin {down|up} permanent' command in Gaia Clish, or

the 'clusterXL_admin {down|up} -p' command in Expert mode

Setting member to administratively down state ...

Member current state is DOWN


[Expert@myfirewall-fwa:0]# clusterXL_admin up 

This command does not survive reboot. To make the change permanent, run either the 'set cluster member admin {down|up} permanent' command in Gaia Clish, or the 'clusterXL_admin {down|up} -p' command in Expert mode

Setting member to normal operation ...

Member current state is STANDBY
