Saturday, December 30, 2017

Creating 802.Q Trunks on VLANS


When creating VLAN interfaces via Clish, the following commands should be used:

Bringing on the Physical interface, on which the VLAN interfaces will be created:

Note: This command may be skipped, if the interface's state is already on.

HostName> set interface <Name_of_Physical_Interface> state on

Adding a VLAN interface:

HostName> add interface <Name_of_Physical_Interface> vlan <VLAN_ID>

Assigning an IP address to newly created VLAN interface:

HostName> set interface <Name_of_VLAN_Interface> ipv4-address <IP_Address> mask-length <Subnet_Mask_Length>

Saving the configuration (so it survives reboot):

HostName> save config

Physical interface - eth1
VLAN interface - eth1.100
VLAN IP address - / 24

HostName> set interface eth1 state on
HostName> add interface eth1 vlan 100
HostName> set interface eth1.100 ipv4-address mask-length 24
HostName> save config