Show Configuration
arp -aifconfig -a
route -n
netstat -an
cphaprob list
cphaprob stat
cphaprob if
cphaprob -a if
cphaconf show_bond -a
fw ctl iflist
cplic print
cpwd_admin list
fw stat
fw ver
fw ctl arp
fw tab -t connections -s
Upgrade Firewall R77.20 to R77.30 JHA 216
- Verify access to the devices
- Verify firewalls are logging to the mgmt station & that policy push is successful
- Verify firewall backups
- Verify access to firewall using WINSCP
- Verify Console access to the firewall's (Serial Console)
- Copy Configuration
- Get the output of the following commands prior to any maintenance on the firewalls (whatever is applicable to fw)
- Take snapshot from the firewalls before upgrading
- Check the uptime of the firewall, if more than 180 days, please reboot prior to upgrade (both members of the cluster)
- Download the installations files and copy to the firewalls (CPUSE or CheckPoint website)
- Start with the standby firewall, Verify the installation file and proceed with installation.
- After the device is upgraded to R77.30, install the take 216 (Will have to use admin account until the policy is pushed)
- Change the Gateway Object in fwm to R77.30 and push the policy
- Verify Firewall is logging
- Verify that the firewall is accessible thru ssh/https
- Verify testing with Applications (specific to each fw cluster)
- Verify Solarwinds/Indeni alerts have cleared (or any other monitoring software)
- Verify TACACS access to the firewall
- Verify firewall status via SmartView Monitor
- Get the output of the following commands AFTER maintenance on the firewalls
Rollback - Revert back from R77.30 to R77.20
- Revert back to R77.20 using the snapshot on standby
- Change the Gateway Object in fwm to R77.20 and push the policy
- Do a cpstop on the active member for stopping the CP services and proceed with reverting back to R77.20 using the snapshot
- Install the policy
[Expert@myfw-01:0]# fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R77.30 - Build 048
[Expert@myfw-01:0]# installed_jumbo_take
R77.30 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take_216 is installed, see
[Expert@myfw-01:0]# netstat -rn | wc -l
[Expert@myfw-02:0]# fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R77.30 - Build 048
[Expert@myfw-02:0]# installed_jumbo_take
R77.30 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator take_216 is installed, see
[Expert@myfw-02:0]# netstat -rn |wc -l