Tuesday, August 2, 2016

CPView CPKstats

1) CPView.

sk101878 | CPView Utility


1a] To view a timestamp in history. We can also use this to verify against the times that the issue was reported.

# cpview -t <timestamp>

# cpview -t 01Mar2015 10:54:15

1b] When we are experiencing an issue with high CPU on a firewall worker.

Identify the worker.
# top

Go to CPView
# cpview

Advanced > CoreXL > Instances > Find the particular instance that we are seeing high CPU

'Statistics are NOT active (may affect performance). Press 'a' to activate.

You will then be prompted to type 'y' to proceed.

You should be able to scroll down in the instance pane and find the devices that are being handled by this firewall worker instance.

You can deactivate it by following the same steps to activate it.

1c] We can also look at the following areas to see what services may be causing this issue.

CPU > Top-Protocols > Instances > Find the particular instance that we are seeing high CPU

Network > Top-Connections (OR) Top-Protocols

2) CPKstats

Should we not be able to access CPView again, we can follow the below SK to get the same results.

sk103293 | How to get per CPU statistics and TOP FW-lock consumers with cpkstats


3) The CPView database failed to upload for some reason and I was hoping that we could upload that one more time from each firewall.

# tar czvf /var/log/cpview_`hostname`.tgz /var/log/CPView_history/CPViewDB.dat

# cpinfo -n -f /var/log/cpview* -s 1-8319371181 -u <UserCenter Username>

4) The core dump that was generated was a User Check core dump and I'm not sure that it would cause the issue that we saw as the failover time where we lost all connections to the gateways did not add up to when the core dump was generated.

User Mode Core Dumps
total 45868
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin root 46912760 Jul 29 15:32 usrchkd.28001.core.gz