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Quick Reference: Check Point

Check Point Software

Check Point Firewall-1

Useful Firewall-1 command line utilities:

Unload current security policy
fw unloadlocal
VPN Tunnel command line access (e.g. delete SAs)
vpn tu
Display overlapping VPN Encryption Domains
vpn overlap_encdom [communities|traditional]
List current Firewall interfaces
fw ctl iflist
Show HA / ClusterXL state
cpstat ha
cphaprob state
cphastop / cphastart
Display State of Checkpoint HA Interfaces
cphaprob -a if
Stop/Start Checkpoint HA/ClusterXL
cphastop / cphastart
Display State of Checkpoint HA Interfaces
cphaprob -a if
Manually failover
cphaprob -d STOP -s problem -t 0 register
cphaprob list
cphaprob -d STOP unregister
Display State of ClusterXL IGMP
cphaprob stat   (Notify if IGMP membership is supported)
cphaprob igmp    (Display the current IGMP membership settings)


Backup and Restore SmartCenter
Check whether licensed for management high availability (Management HA)
cplic check mgmtha


SecurePlatform configuration commands:
Configure Interfaces, Routes etc
Add static routes
config route add dest via dev eth0 metric 0 s-persistant on apply on
Configure Network Interfaces
config conn help
config conn set name eth1 type eth onboot on iff-up on local broadcast s-persistant on s-code up mtu 1500
Configure Bonded Network Interfaces (NIC Team, 2 physical, 1 logical interface)
config conn add name bond0 type bond onboot on iff-up on mtu 1500 bond-mode active-backup bond-miimon 100 bond-downdelay 200 bond-updelay 200 bond-primary eth1 local
config conn add name eth1 type eth onboot on iff-up on mtu 1500 master-bond bond0
config conn add name eth4 type eth onboot on iff-up on mtu 1500 master-bond bond0
Useful SecurePlatform command line utilities:
Enter OS commands
Assign interfaces to correct physical NICs
(Edit /etc/sysconfig/ethtab)
[Expert@FIREWALL]# cat ethtab
eth0 00:21:5A:27:DC:E6
eth1 00:21:5A:27:DC:E4
eth2 00:1F:29:5C:82:F5
Set Kernel parameters
(Edit $FWDIR/boot/modules/fwkern.conf)
Flag disconnected NICs
echo eth6 >> $FWDIR/conf/discntd.if
Show status of Bonded Network Interfaces
cphaconf show_bond -a
Display Versions
SPLAT: ver
Firewall: fw ver
Performance Pack: sim ver –k
Linux: uname -a
Change shell to permit WinSCP connection
usermod -s /bin/bash fwadmin
Change shell timout (cpshell)
idle mm where mm = timeout in minutes (permanent change, updates /etc/cpshell/cpshell.state and is passed on to expert shell)
Change shell timout (bash)
TMOUT = ss where ss = timeout in minutes
export TMOUT
Display the number of CPUs presented to SecurePlatform OS
grep ‘physical id’ /proc/cpuinfo|wc -l
Display the CoreXL CPU Affinity
fw ctl affinity -l
Advanced Routing (gated) Commands
ps -eaf | grep gated
cpwd_admin list
Check Point Troubleshooting & Debugging Tools:

Useful Checkpoint commands

Posted on November 25, 2010

15 Votes

Checkpoint is not a cli based firewall, the cli is generally (in the daily life) not used. What the admin wants, can do through the GUI. For troubleshooting purposes or just query something there are some useful commands. In this list I tried to collect what I already had to use (or wanted to try out).
Table 1.
General checkpoint, IPSO commandsDescription
ipsctl hw:eeprom:product_idShow Product Id. on IPSO
ipsctl hw:eeprom:serial_numberShow Serial No. on IPSO
uname -aShow IPSO Version
ipsofwd listshow forwarding option on IPSO
[admin]# ipsofwd list
net:ip:forward:noforwarding = 0
net:ip:forward:noforwarding_author = fwstart
net:ip:forward:switch_mode = flowpath
net:ip:forwarding = 1
example for forwarding options
ipsofwd on usernameset forwarding on if firewall stopped
ipsctl -w net:log:partner:status:debug 1enable interface debugging (sk41089)
ipsctl -w net:log:sink:console 0disable debugging
Table 2.
Firewall Commands
fw verShow Firewall Version
vpn macutilGenerate MAC Address for users. This can be used to fix an IP in DHCP Server.
cpstat polsrv -f allShow the connected and the licensed users
cpstat fw -f http, ftp, telnet, rlogin, smtp, pop3Check protocol states.
fw statShow policy name and the interfaces that have already seen any traffic.
fw stat -longShows the policy and the stats for the policy
cpstat os -f cpu -o 3Monitor CPU state every 3 seconds
-o Polling interval (seconds) specifies the pace of the results. Default is 0, meaning the results are shown only once.
-c Specifying how many times the results are shown. Default is 0, meaning the results are repeatedly shown.
cpstat useful parameters
cpstat osShow SVN Foundation and OS Version
cpstat fw -f allProduct, Policy und Status informations
cpstat fw -f policyShow Installed Policy name
fw tab -t connections -sShow active connections
fw fetchInstall Policy from MGM server
cplic printPrint licenses
fwha_mac_magicConnecting multiple clusters to the same network segment (same VLAN, same switch) – sk25977
cp_conf sic state
SIC test on the firewall
cp_conf sic init <Activation Key> [norestart]
SIC reset on the firewall
fw ctl zdebug drop | grep
check dropped packets on the firewall for host
Table 3.
Sniffer on the Firewall
fw monitor -m iIoO -e “accept (src=IP_S and dst=_IP_D) or (src=IP_D and dst=IP_S);”Monitor traffic between host with IP IP_S and host with IP IP_D
fw monitor -m iIoO -e “accept (src=IP_S and dst=_IP_D) or (src=IP_D and dst=IP_S);” -owmonitor_cat.capnot just monitor but save as capture to a file
fw monitor -m iIoO -e “accept (src=IP_S and dst=_IP_D) or (src=IP_D and dst=IP_S);” -p all -a -oDatei.capnot just monitor but save capture to a file + deeper debug
fw monitor -m iIoO -e “accept (sport=5200 or sport=5100 or sport=5000);”Monitor traffic on the source port 5200, 5100 or 5000
Table 4.
Remote Access and S2S VPN commands
vpn tuvpn tunnel util, for VPN checking, delete
fw tab -t inbound_SPI -fList SPI and users (external IP, office mode IP, username, DN of a user in case of certificate auth)
fw tab -t om_assigned_ips -fList users and assigned Office mode IPs
fw tab -t marcipan_ippool_users -fList Office Mode used IPs
fw tab -t om_assigned_ips -f -m 2000 | awk ‘{print $7,$11}’ | grep -v ‘^ ‘Lists office mode Ip fore 2000 users (use -u for unlimited number)
fw tab -t marcipan_ippool_users -xused to manually clear the Office Mode connections table on the Gateway
vpn debug truncinitiates both vpn debug and ike debug
vpn debug on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5initiates vpn debug on the level of detail provided by TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5. Output file is $FWDIR/log/vpnd.elg
vpn debug ikeoninitiates vpn ike debug. Output file is $FWDIR/log/ike.elg
vpn debug monWrites ike traffic unecrypted to a file. The output file isikemonitor.snoop. In this output file, all the IKE payloads are in clear
vpn debug ikeoffStops ike debug. Get ikeviewer to check the ike traffic and log.
vpn debug offStops vpn debug
vpn debug moffStops ike sniffer
vpn export_12 -obj <objectname> -cert <certificatename> 
-file <filename> -passwd <passw> 
vpn export_p12 -obj Office_GW -cert defaultCert
–file office_cert.p12 -passwd mypassword
export a certificate using the Security Management server. certificate object is the Certificakte Nickname from the GUI.
Table 5.
Clustering commands
cphaprob listShow processes monitored by HA
cpstat fw -f syncShow counters for sync traffic
cphaprob stateShow cluster mode and status
cpstat ha -f allShow HA process and HA IP status
fw ctl pstatShow memory, kernel stacks, connections, fragments,…, SYNC status
cphaprob -a ifShow Sync interface(s) and HA IP(s)
cphaprob syncstatShow Sync statistics
fw hastatShow HA stat ONLY by ClusterXL! not with VRRP
Table 6.
General commands
ps -auxReport all active processes in the kernel IPSO
kill -9 prozessidStop a process
dmesgshow boot logs
vmstat 5 5show memory, cpu usage
ifconfig bge1:xx downset virtual Interface on Provider1 down
Table 7.
Administrate CMA/MDS processes
mdsstop_customerStop a CMA
mdsstart_customerStart a CMA
mdsstatShows MDS and CMA Status
mdsstopStops all CMAs und Server processes
mdsstartStart all CMAs und Server processes
mdsenv CMANAMEChange the Enviroment to selected CMA
echo $FWDIRThis displays the correct path for the CMA.
cpstat mgcheck the connected clients (with Provider1 in the CMA Level: mdsenv <CMA-IP>)
fwm -aChange admin password (or cpconfig delete admin and add admin)
fwm dbloadInstall database
watch -d “cpstat os -f cpu”Monitor cpu state with watch
Table 8.
Searching for objectsWhat you cannot find whit cross CMA search
cd $FWDIR/conf
grep subdomain objects.C | grep -v Name | awk ‘{print $2}’ | grep “^(” | sed -e ‘s/(//’
Searching all objects with subdomain ‘subdomain’ in their name
cd $FWDIR/conf
grep subdomain /opt/CPmds-R65/customers/*/CPsuite-R65/fw1/conf/objects.C | grep -v Name | awk ‘{print $1, $3}’ | grep “(” | sed -e ‘s/(//’
Searching all objects in all firewalls (in MDS) with subdomain ‘subdomain’ in their name
grep “\|” /opt/CPmds-R65/customers/*/CPsuite-R65/fw1/conf/objects_5_0.Cfind the 2 IP Address in the firewall configs
grep /opt/CPmds-R65/customers/*/CPsuite-R65/fw1/conf/rulebases_5_0.fwsfind the hostname in the firewall rulebase configs
Table 9.
Archive commands
tar tfv [ARCHIVNAME].tarShow the content of an archive
tar cfvz [ARCHIVNAME].tar.gz[VERZEICHNIS1] [DATEI1]Archive files
tar xfvz [ARCHIVNAME].tar.gzopen archive
SCP command
scp root@provider1:/opt/CPmds-R65/customers/cma1/CPsuite-R65/fw1/conf/objects_5_0.C .copy the objects_5_0.C file to the lokal folder from where the command was issued
Collect info for Checkpoint TAC
cpinfo [-v] [-l] [-n] [-o ] [-r | -t [tablename]] [-c cma … | -x vs]* -z: Output gzipped (effective with -o option).
* -r: Includes the registry (Windows – very large output).
* -v: Prints version information.
* -l: Embeds log records (very large output).
* -n: Does not resolve network addresses (faster)
* -t: Output consists of tables only (SR only).
* -c: Get information about the specified CMA (Provider-1).
* -x: Get information about the specified VS (VSX).
And some example for cpinfo.
CPinfo Options:
cpinfo [-v] [-l] [-n] [-o output_file] [-r | -t [tablename]] [-c cma/ctx]-o output_file (Redirect output into file output_file)
-r (Include the registry in the output)
-v (Print version information)
-l (Embed Log records)
-n (Do not resolve network addresses)
-t (Output consists of tables only (SR only)
-c (Get information about the specified cma/ctx)
(No parameters): Redirects output to the standard output (the command window).Required steps to get the cpinfo from mds:1. Back to MDS
2. Verify the correct environment
echo $FWDIR
3. Run cpinfo
cpinfo -z -n -o /var/mds.cpinfoRequired steps for cpinfo from the relevant CMA (sk10176)1. List of all Customers (CMAs)
2. Set the environment for the Customer
mdsenv CMANAME
3. Verify the correct environment
echo $FWDIR
4. Run cpinfo
cpinfo -c CMANAME -z -n -o FILENAME
Checkpoint logging in short.
VPN-1/FireWall-1 NG includes the following log type files:- FWDIR/log/xx.log – stores the log records.
– FWDIR/log/xx.logptr – provides pointers to the beginning of each log record.
– FWDIR/log/xx.loginitial_ptr – provides pointers to the beginning of each log chain (logs that share the same connection ID – LUUID).
– FWDIR/log/xx.logaccount_ptr – provides pointers to the beginning of each accounting record.
– Note: the NG log directory also includes an additional temporary pointer file, namedxx.logLuuidDB.To purge/delete the current log files without saving it to a backup file, run:
# fw logswitch “”The VPN-1/FireWall-1 NG audit log type files are:- xx.adtlog – stores the audit log records.
– xx.adtlogptr – provides pointers to the beginning of each log records.
– xx.adtloginitial_ptr – provides pointers to the beginning of each log chain (logs that shared the same connection ID – LUUID).
– xx.adtlogaccount_ptr – provides pointers to the beginning of each accounting record.Topurge/delete the current audit log files without saving it to a backup file, run:
fw logswitch -audit “”
This is an example how to collect the same info (the fw version here) from all of our firewall with a script.
We need to collect the firewalls with their IPs or with their hostnames in a file I call iplist and run the srcipt with ‘sh ./
root@myserver # cat
for HOST in $(cat iplist | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$")
echo $HOST
ssh admin@$HOST 'fw ver'
# Some example. Just delete the # for the required command
# ssh admin@$HOST 'ipsctl hw:eeprom:product_id'
# ssh admin@$HOST 'fwaccel stat'
# ssh admin@$HOST 'clish -c "show vrrp"'
# ssh admin@$HOST 'grep buffer /var/log/messages' | tail -n 2
# ssh admin@$HOST 'grep "Log buffer is full\|log/trap messages" /var/log/messages'
# ssh admin@$HOST 'cpstat os -f cpu'
root@myserver # cat iplist
Important Files:
On the Management Server:
$FWDIR/conf/classes.C – scheme file. Each object in objects.c, rulebases.fwsfwauth.ndb or whatever must match one of the classes listed below.
$FWDIR/conf/objects_5_0.C – object file.
$FWDIR/conf/rulebases_5_0.fws – Rulebase file.
$FWDIR/conf/fwauth.NDB – userdatabase
$FWDIR/conf/.W – The policy file
$FWDIR/conf/user.def.NGX_FLO – User defined inspect code (sk30919)
On the Firewall:
$FWDIR/conf/masters – On the firewalls shows who is the management server
$FWDIR/conf/ – Initial Policy of the firewall
$FWDIR/conf/discntd.if – Add the interface-name in this file to disable monitoring in Secureplatform