Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Reset - Multi-queue, dynamic balancing, and flow director to default values


 Please, perform the steps in this order:

  1. Set the Multiqueue to auto first:
    • # mq_mng --set-mode auto
  2. Enable Dynamic balancing:
    • # dynamic_balancing -o enable
    • No need to change the coreXL instances in cpconfig since dynamic balancing will take care of that after its enabled.
  3. Enable Flow Director:
    • # ethtool -K eth1-01 ntuple on
  4. Reboot member and repeat on the other firewall.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Firewall migrate export

fw tab -t userc_key -s

Is the Management Environment an MDS or SMS( Smart Center)?
This may need to be performed at the end business and close all sessions. 

If exporting a MDS. Take a mds backup
1. Login to Manager via ssh
2. Enter expert mode
3. mds_backup -b -d /var/tmp/mds_backup_SEPT062022
4. Also provide the MDS Management IP

If exporting a Smart Center:
How to Export the existing SmartCenter
1. Login to Manager via ssh
2. Enter expert mode
3. [Expert@MGMT]# cd $FWDIR/bin/upgrade_tools
4. [Expert@MGMT]# yes | nohup ./migrate export /<Full Path to export to>/<Name of Exported File>
5. Also provide the SMS Management IP

[Expert@bos0105fwm01:0]# cd $FWDIR/bin/upgrade_tools
[Expert@bos0105fwm01:0]# pwd
yes | nohup ./migrate export /var/log/bos0105fwm01_Export-dk11042024

yes | nohup ./migrate export /var/log/M-TST-CPMGMT01_Export-dk11042024

Files uploaded to 

# cpstop
# cd $FWDIR/bin/upgrade_tools/
# ./migrate export /var/log/migrate-exports/myfwm01-DATE

Transfer off box 

How do you Data Duplexing