Friday, July 29, 2022

Basic Process to upgrade R80.10 to R80.40 JHF 161


Basic Process to upgrade R80.10 to R80.40 JHF 161

  1. Make Snapshot of both cluster members before starting.
  2. Export Snapshot off cluster members 
  3. Install Fresh Install and upgrade packages  Download - Upgrade Package  (Check_Point_R80.40_T294_Fresh_Install_and_Upgrade) on secondary  
  4. Verify Update  MD5 Hash / Fix errors if any.
  5. Once successfully verify.
  6. Then select Upgrade (not Install update)
  7. After R80.40 install completes,
  8. Run Deployment Agent - DeploymentAgent_000002205_1
  9. Install JHF Take 161 is the Latest GA as published date.  JHF Take 161, Check_Point_R80_40_JUMBO_HF_Bundle_T161_sk165456_FULL
  10. Push policy
  11. Failover cluster member
  12. Repeat process on Primary Member


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