Checkpoint Firewalls
Troubleshooting Command Line
Check Point Environment variables
(most common ones)
$FWDIR FW-1 ---installation
directory, with f.i. the conf, log, lib, bin and spool directories. You will
work in this tree.
$CPDIR ---SVN Foundation /
cpshared tree.
$CPMDIR ---Management server
installation directory.
$FGDIR ---FloodGate-1 installation
$MDSDIR ---MDS installation
directory. Same as $FWDIR on MDS level.
$FW_BOOT_DIR ---Directory with
files needed at boot time.
Basic Starting and Stopping
cpstop ---Stop all Check Point
services except cprid. You can also stop specific services by issuing an
option with cpstop.
cpstart ---Start all Check Point
services except cprid. cpstart works with the same options as cpstop.
cprestart ---Combined cpstop and
cpstart. Complete restart.
cpridstop ---Stop cprid, the Check
Point Remote installation Daemon.
cpridstart ---Start cprid, the
Check Point Remote installation Daemon.
cpridrestart ---Combined cpridstop
and cpridstart.
fw kill [-t sig] proc_name ---Kill
a Firewall process. PID file in $FWDIR/tmp/ must be present. Per default
signal 15 (SIGTERM).
Example: fw kill -t 9 fwm
fw unloadlocal ---Uninstall local
security policy and disables forwarding.
View and Manage Logfiles
fw lslogs ---View a list of
available fw logfiles and their size.
fwm logexport ---Export/display
current fw.log to stdout.
fw logswitch [-audit] ---Write the
current (audit) logfile to YY-MM-DDHHMMSS. log and start a
new fw.log.
fw log -c <action> ---Show
only records with action <action>, e.g. accept, drop, reject etc.
from the top of the log, use -t to
start a tail at the end.
fw log -f -t ---Tail the actual
log file from the end of the log. Without the -t switch it starts
from the beginning.
fw log -b <starttime>
<endtime> ---View today's log entries between <starttime> and
fw log -b 09:00:00 09:15:00.
fw fetchlogs -f <file>
module ---Fetch a logfile from a remote CP module. NOTICE: The log will be
moved, hence deleted from the
remote module. Does not work with current fw.log.
fwm logexport -i in.log -o out.csv
-d ',' -p -n ---Export logfile in.log to file out.csv, use , (comma) as
(CSV) and do not resolve services
or hostnames.
Display and Manage Licenses
cp_conf lic get ---View licenses.
cplic print ---Display more
detailed license information.
fw lichosts ---List protected
hosts with limited hosts licenses. dtps lic SecureClient Policy Server
cplic del <sig> <obj>
---Delete CP license with signature sig from object obj.
cplic get <ip host|-all>
---Retrieve all licenses from a certain gateway or all gateways in order to
license repository on the SmartCenter
server with the gateway(s).
cplic put <-l file>
---Install local license from file to an local machine.
cplic put <obj> <-l
file> ---Attach one or more central or local licenses from file remotely
to obj.
cprlic ---Remote license
management tool.
ATRG -- sk93306
cp_conf ha enable|disable
[norestart] ---Enable or disable HA.
cphastop ---Disable ClusterXL on
the cluster member. Issued on a cluster member running in HA
Legacy Mode cphastop might stop
the entire cluster.
cphastart ---Activate ClusterXL on
this cluster member.
fw hastat ---View HA state of local
cphaprob state ---View HA state of
all cluster members.
cphaprob -a if ---View interface
cphaprob -ia list ---View list and
state of critical cluster devices.
cphaprob syncstat ---View sync
transport layer statistics. Reset with -reset.
cphaconf set_ccp
<broadcast|multicast> ---Configure Cluster Control Protocol (CCP) to
use unicast or multicast
messages. By default set to
multicast. Setting survives reboot.
clusterXL_admin <up|down>
---Perform a graceful manual failover by registering a faildevice.
Note: DO NOT run any cphaconf
commands other than set_ccp
ATRG --sk98722
fwaccel on
fwaccel off ---"-q" flag
suppresses the output
fwaccel ver
fwaccel stat
fwaccel stats -s Prints the
acceleration statistics for Network Access Control (NAC)
fwaccel stats -d Prints the
acceleration statistics for dropped packets
fwaccel stats –n
fwaccel stats -p Prints the
acceleration statistics for SecureXL violations (F2F packets)
fwaccel stats -l Prints all
acceleration statistics in Legacy mode (output is not divided into sections)
9:26:32 AM]
fwaccel stats -m Prints the
acceleration statistics for multicast traffic
fwaccel stats -r Resets all
acceleration statistics
fwaccel conns Prints the SecureXL
Connections Table ('cphwd_db')
ATRG: CoreXL --sk98737
fw ctl multik --Controls CoreXL FW
fw ctl multik ---Prints the
general help message with available parameters
fw ctl multik stat ---Prints the
summary table for CPU cores and CoreXL FW instances
fw ctl multik start ---Starts
fw -i Instance_ID ctl multik start
----Starts specific CoreXL FW instance
fw ctl multik stop ---Stops CoreXL
fw -i Instance_ID ctl multik stop
---Stops specific CoreXL FW instance
fw ctl affinity <options>
---Controls CoreXL affinities of interfaces / processes / CoreXL FW instances
to CPU core
fw ctl affinity ---Prints the help
message with available options
fw -d ctl affinity -corelicnum
---Prints the number of system CPU cores allowed by CoreXL license
fw ctl affinity -l ---Prints the
current CoreXL affinities - output shows affinities of
interfaces/processes/CoreXL FW
instances to CPU cores
fw ctl affinity -l -r ---Prints
the current CoreXL affinities in reverse order - output shows CPU cores and
interface/process/CoreXL FW
instance is affined to each CPU core
fw ctl affinity -l -a ---Prints
all current CoreXL affinities - output shows affinities of
FW instances to CPU cores, and
also shows targets without specific affinity
fw ctl affinity -l -v ---Prints
the current CoreXL affinities - verbose output shows affinities of
interfaces/processes/CoreXL FW
instances to CPU cores (targets are shown as 'Interface' (with IRQ),
'Kernel', 'Process'
fw ctl affinity -l -q ---Prints
the current CoreXL affinities - output shows affinities of
FW instances to CPU cores, and
suppresses errors
fw ctl affinity -l -r -a -v
---Prints the current CoreXL affinities - verbose output that combines all
possible outputs
(shows all targets in reverse
order) fw ctl affinity -l -p PID [-r] [-a] [-v] Prints the current CoreXL
affinity of the
specified process (by PID) to CPU
fw ctl affinity -l -n Daemon_Name
[-r] [-a] [-v] ---Prints the current CoreXL affinity of the specified process
name [maximal length = 255
characters]) to CPU cores
fw ctl affinity -l -k Instance_ID
[-r] [-a] [-v] ---Prints the current CoreXL affinity of the specified CoreXL
instance to CPU cores
fw ctl affinity -l -i
Interface_Name [-r] [-a] [-v] ---Prints the current CoreXL affinity of the
specified interface to cpu cores
fw ctl affinity -s <target>
{ CPU_ID [ CPU_ID ... ] | all } ---Sets CoreXL Affinity
fw ctl affinity -s -p PID { CPU_ID
[ CPU_ID ... ] | all } ---Sets CoreXL affinity of the specified process (by
to CPU cores
fw ctl affinity -s -n Daemon_Name
{ CPU_ID [ CPU_ID ... ] | all } ---Sets CoreXL affinity of the specified
process (by name [maximal length =
255 characters]) to CPU cores
fw ctl affinity -s -k Instance_ID
{ CPU_ID [ CPU_ID ... ] | all } ---Sets CoreXL affinity of the specified
FW instance to CPU cores
fw ctl affinity -s -i
Interface_Name { CPU_ID [ CPU_ID ... ] | all } ---Sets CoreXL affinity of the
specified interface
to CPU cores
Traffic Gathering /Monitoring
ATRG -sk40072
tcpdump -i <int name> host
<ip> -w filename
tcpdump -i <int name> tcp
port <port number>
tcpdump -i <int name> udp
port <port number>
tcpdump -i <int name> proto
FW Monitor
ATRG – 41045
There are four inspection points
when a packet passes through a Security Gateway:
Pre-Inbound - marked as 'i'
Post-Inbound - marked as 'I'
Pre-Outbound - marked as 'o'
Post-Outbound - marked as 'O'
The direction (inbound/outbound)
relates to each specific packet, and not to the connection.
fw monitor -e 'accept src=x.x.x.x
or dst=v.v.v.v;' -o filename.cap
fw monitor -e "accept;"
-o /var/log/fw_mon.cap
fw monitor -e "((src=x.x.x.x
, dst=y.y.y.y) or (src=y.y.y.y , dst=x.x.x.x)), accept;" -o
fw monitor Examples:
# packets with IP as
fw monitor -e 'accept
# all packets from to
fw monitor -e 'accept
src= and dst=;'
# UDP port 53 (DNS) packets,
pre-in position is before 'ippot_strip'
fw monitor -pi ipopt_strip -e
'accept udpport(53);'
# UPD traffic from or to
unprivileged ports, only show post-out
fw monitor -m O -e 'accept udp and
(sport>1023 or dport>1023);'
# Windows traceroute (ICMP,
TTL<30) from and to
fw monitor -e 'accept
host( and tracert;'
# Capture web traffic for VSX
virtual system ID 23
fw monitor -v 23 -e 'accept
# Capture traffic on a
SecuRemote/SecureClient client into a file.
# srfw.exe in $SRDIR/bin
(C:\Program Files\CheckPoint\SecuRemote\bin)
srfw monitor -o output_file.cap
Kernel debug 'fw ctl debug'
fw ctl debug -h ---Default (clear)
all current kernel debugging options:
fw ctl debug 0 ---Disable all
kernel debugging options (de-allocates the buffer automatically kills
"fw ctl debug"
fw ctl debug -x ---Allocate the
debugging buffer (to catch debug messages):
fw ctl debug -buf 32000 ---Enable
desired debug flags (in addition to the default flags):
fw ctl debug -m MODULE_NAME +
FLAG1 FLAG2 FLAG3 ---Enable only the specified debug flags (all other
flags will be overwritten):
fw ctl debug -m MODULE_NAME -
FLAG6 FLAG7 ---Disable undesired debug flags:
fw ctl debug ---Display all kernel
modules and their flags that Security Gateway "understands":
fw ctl debug -m ---Display the
flags for specific module that were turned on:
fw ctl debug -m MODULE_NAME
---Print the timestamp in debug output (t = seconds ; T = microseconds):
fw ctl kdebug -t or fw ctl kdebug
fw ctl kdebug -T -f >
/var/log/debug.txt ---Save the debug messages from debugging buffer into a
To stop the debug - press CTRL+C
Zdebug drop
Fw ctl Zdebug drop >
61000/41000 CLI commands
asg stat [-v] ---Blade and policy
status for all chassis
asg monitor ---Monitor blade and
policy status
asg resource [-v] ---SGM resource
asg if ---Chassis interface
asg_route ---Routing tables for
all SGMs
asg perf [-v -a -p -k]
---Continously monitor performance
asg conns [-b <blade>]
---Show connections per blade
asg config show ---Show gclish configuration
for all blades
asg cores_stat ---CoreXL
information for all blades
asg_info -w ---Asg Info Diagnostic
asg_auditlog ---Chassis audit log
is_in_security_group ---Check if SMG is in security group
asg_blade_config get_smo_ip ---Get
SMO ip address
asg dxl stat ---Blade Distribution
asg dxl dist_mode verify [-v]
---Blade Distribution Mode
g_all mpstat ---CPU use for all
asg if -p ---Interface Performance
blade 1_02 ---to change to chassis
1 blade 2
Security Switch Module (SSM)
asg_chassis_ctrl start_ssm
<SSM> ---Start SSM
asg_chassis_ctrl shutdown_ssm
<SSM> ---Stop SSM
asg_chassis_ctrl restart_ssm
<SSM> ---Restart SSM
asg_chassis_ctrl active_ssm ---Get
active SSMs
asg_chassis_ctrl get_ssm_firmware
<SSM> ---SSM Firmware version
asg_chassis_ctrl get_ssm_type
<SSM> ---SSM Hardware version
asg_chassis_ctrl get_bmac
<SSM> ---MAC Addresses on SSM
show chassis id 1 module
<SSM1|SSM2> ip ---Show SSM's CIN Address
Configuration and Policy
asg_ntp_sync_config ---Configure
NTP on all blades
asg security_group ---Configure
SGM security group
asg_blade_config pull_config all
<bladeIP> ---Pull config from another blade
asg_blade_config fetch_smc
---Fetch policy for all blades from smc
asg_policy fetch ---Fetch the
policy for all SGMs
asg_policy unload ---Unload policy
for all SGMs
asg policy verify ---View
installed policy for each SGM
g_all <command> ---Return
command from all blades
gexec -a -c <Command>
---Execute command on blades
asg_cp2blades <SrcFile>
[<DstFile>] ---Copy file to all blades
asg alert Configure ---Chassis
Alerts (SNMP/SMS)
asg_sync_manager ---Chassis
Syncronization Wizard
fwaccel <on|off|stat>
---SecureXL control
g_update_conf_file fwkern.conf
<Kernel Parameter> ---Set kernel parameter for all blades
View available kernel parameters
by ruinning modinfo against the kernel file
asg_sgm_serial ---SGM Serial
asg_serial_info ---CMM,SSM and
Chassis Serial Numbers
asg diag verify ---Chassis
diagnostic and results
asg_version ---Version information
for all blades
asg stat -i tasks ---Used to
identify the SMO blade
asg chassis_admin -c
<chassis> [down|up] ---Administratively down/up a chassis
asg sgm_admin -b <blade>
<up|down> ---Administratively down/up a blade
asg_reboot -b <Blade>
---Reboot blade(s) or Chassis
asg_reboot -b chassis1
asg_reboot -b 1_01
asg_reboot -b 1_01,1_03
asg_chassis_ctrl get_psu_status
---Chassis PUS status
asg_chassis_ctrl get_cpus_temp
<Blade> ---SGM CPU Temeperature
asg_chassis_ctrl get_power_type
---Returns AC/DC
asg hw_monitor ---Chassis Hardware
set chassis high-availability
primary-chassis <0-2> ---Set chassis priority
set chassis high-availability
factors <x> ---Change chassis component score(s)
See cli guide for additional
Chassis Control Module (CMM)
asg_chassis_ctrl restart_cmm
<CMM#> Restart CMM
asg_chassis_ctrl get_cmm_status
Get CMM status and firmware version
Active CMM CIN address
Standby CMM CIN address
GCLISH Commands
gclish ---enter global clish shell
show configuration ---List gclish
text configuration
set bonding group <ID>
lacp_rate slow ---Configure bonding rate
verify bonding rate by running:
cat /proc/net/bonding/bond<ID>
asg_config save -t <File>
---Save Gclish config to a text file
save config ---Save Gclish
Packet Captures and
tcpdump -mcap -w <outfile>
-nnei <IF> ---Packet capture from all blades
asg search ---Search blades for
specific connection
g_fw ctl zdebug drop ---Dropped
packet debug across all blades
g_fw ctl zdebug -m cluster +
correction ---Kernel debug across all blades
dxl calc <> ---Determine the
blade a connection will use. Based on the src and dst pair
asg log <audit|smd|ports>
{-b <blade string>} ---View messages from blade(s) or chassis
Image Management
show snapshots ---List current
snapshots (gclish)
add snapshot <name>
---Create new snapshot (gclish)
delete snapshot <name>
---Delete snapshot from respoitory (gclish)
set snapshot import <name>
path <path to snapshot> ---Add snapshot to respoitory (gclish)
set global-mode off/on ---Disable
global mode for gclish
set snapshot export <name>
path <path to export to> ---Export snapshot from repository (shell)
Note: The snapshot cannot contain
.tgz in the name
g_snapshot -b <blade string>
revert <snapshot name> ---Revert snapshot on blade(s) (shell)
backup_system backup <name>
---Create backup package
Note this creates 4 separate files
watch -d "g_all dbget
snap:show:progress" ---View snapshot revert progress
Gaia Interface and Routes
set interface <IF Name>
ipv4-address <IP Address> mask-length <Bit Length> ---Configure
Address on
Interface (Physical/VLAN/Bond)
set interface <IF Name>
state on/off ---Enable/Disable Interface
add interface <IF NAME> vlan
<VLAN ID> ---Add VLAN Interface
add bonding group <Bond ID>
interface <IF Name> ---Create and Enslave Bonded
add interface <IF Name>
alias <Address>/<Mask Length> ---Create Interface Alias
set static-route
<Network>/<Netmask> nexthop gateway address <Gateway> on
---Configure Static
set static-route default nexthop
gateway address <Gateway> on ---Configure Default Route
vsx stat [-v] [-l] [id] ---Display
VSX status. Verbose output with -v, interface list with -l or status of
system with VS ID <id>.
vsx get ---View current shell
vsx set <id> ---Set context
to VS with the ID <id>.
vsx sic reset <id> ---Reset
SIC for VS ID <id>.
9:26:32 AM]
cpinfo -x <vs> ---Start
cpinfo collecting data for VS ID <vs>.
fw -vs <id> getifs ---View
driver interface list for a VS. You can also use the VS name instead of -vs
fw tab -vs <id> -t
<table> ---View state tables for virtual system <id>.
fw monitor -v <id> -e
'accept;' ---View traffic for virtual system with ID <id>.
Attn: with fw monitor use -v
instead of –vs
In general, a lot of Check Point's
commands do understand the -vs <id> switch.
mdsenv [cma_name] ---Set the
environment variables for MDS oder CMA level.
mdsstart [-m|-s] Starts the MDS
and all CMAs (10 at a time). ---Start only the MDS with -m or the CMAs
subsequently with -s.
mdsstop [-m] ---Stop MDS and all
CMAs or with -m just the MDS.
mdsstat [cma_name]|[-m] ---Show
status of the MDS and all CMAs or a certain customer's
CMA. Use -m for only MDS status.
cpinfo -c <cma> (Remember to
run mdsenv <cma> in advance.) ---Create a cpinfo for the customer cma
mcd <directory> ---Quick cd
to $FWDIR/<directory> of the current CMA.
mdsstop_customer <cma> Stop
CMA. ---Run mdsenv <cma> in advance.
mdsstart_customer <cma>
Start CMA. ---Run mdsenv <cma> in advance
mdsconfig MDS replacement for
cpconfig. ---mds_backup Backup binaries and data to current directory.
You can exclude files by
specifying them in $MDSDIR/conf/mds_exclude.dat.
mds_restore <file>
---Restore MDS backup from file. Notice: you may need to copy
mds_backup from $MDSDIR/scripts/
as well as gtar and gzip from $MDS_SYSTEM/shared/ to the
directory with the backup file.
Normally, mds_backup does this during backup
VPN & VPN Debugging
vpn ver [-k] ---Check VPN-1 major
and minor version as well as build number and latest hotfix. Use -k for
kernel version.
vpn tu ---Start a menu based VPN
TunnelUtil program where you can list and delete Security
Associations (SAs) for peers. vpn
shell Start the VPN shell.
vpn debug ikeon|ikeoff ---Debug
IKE into $FWDIR/log/ike.elg.
vpn debug on|off ---Debug VPN into
vpn debug trunc ---Truncate and
stamp logs, enable IKE & VPN debug.
vpn drv stat ---Show status of
VPN-1 kernel module.
vpn overlap_encdom ---Show, if
any, overlapping VPN domains.
vpn macutil <user> ---Show
MAC for Secure Remote user <user>.
Site to site VPN troubleshooting
1. Turn on debugs
vpn debug trunc
vpn debug on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
2. Run the following command to
reset the tunnel
(not needed if you are testing a
Remote Access VPN):
vpn tu
Then select the option that reads,
Delete all IPsec+IKE SAs for a
given peer (GW)
enter your remote GW ip address
exit the utility
3. Try to build the tunnel back up
again, in both directions,
attempt to connect from YOUR
NETWORK to a device in
the remote encryption domain and
then attempt to connect
device in the local
encryption domain.
4. Turn off debugs
vpn debug ikeoff
vpn debug off
debug file location:
SecurePlatform -
Windows - %FWDIR%\log\ike.elg*
FWD -- Logging/Policy debug
1. Turn on debug
fw debug fwd on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
2. Recreate issue
3. Turn off debug
fw debug fwd off TDERROR_ALL_ALL=0
debug file location:
SecurePlatform -
Windows - %FWDIR%\log\fwd.elg
FWM -- policy/Dashboard/Mgt HA
Sync debug
Debug it!
1. Turn on debug
fw debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
2. Recreate issue
3. Turn off debug
fw debug fwm off TDERROR_ALL_ALL=0
debug file location:
SecurePlatform -
Windows - %FWDIR%\log\fwm.elg
CPD --- SIC debug
Debug it!
1. Turn on debug
cpd_admin debug on
2. Recreate issue
3. Turn off debug
cpd_admin debug off
debug file location:
SecurePlatform -
Windows - %CPDIR%\log\cpd.elg